Change Switch


The Change Switch command changes the Value of a global or local Switch to an on/off state.


Global/Local - Targets a single selected Switch.
Global/Local Range - Targets multiple Switches in a row.
Global/Local Reference - Targets a single Switch based on a Variable value.

Value Type

Value - Sets the value to on/off.
Local - Sets the value from another local Switch.
Global - Sets the value from another global Switch.
Random - Sets the value randomly to on/off.

Note: The name and default behavior of a Switch's value is set in the select switch window.


TypeThe target local or global switch, including ranges.Switch
Value TypeThe type of the value source, either a switch, value, random, global reference, or local reference.Switch Source
ValueThe corresponding value to the Value Type.Toggle or Switch
Note: Global or local reference attempt to use a global or local variable to get an index to apply the operation to.


Example 1: Set the Switch type to global range, set the value to on. Then select Switch slot 000 to 003. Those two Switches and every Switch in between will be set to on.
Example 2: Set the Switch type to global reference, and set the value to on. Select a Variable, and set the value to 3. This turns the Switch in slot 003 to on.