Database /
The Characters database window is where you will build the characters of your project, and setup templates that can be reused for characters. You can add any of these characters to the party.
A characters name, starting statistics, and skills can all be built in this window.
Characters are templates, and are not unique. You can have multiple versions of the same character.
Note: Characters are added to a starting party via the Database - New Game window, or through Party commands via a script.
The Character window has multiple tabs to further customize the template.
- Statistics: Sets the initial statistics and statistics growth for this character using formulas.
- Traits: Sets a characters traits, and at what rank the trait is acquired at.
- Tags: Sets a characters tags.
- Classes: Sets the Characters starting class and class rank.
- Equipment Slots: Sets the character starting equipment slots.
- Item Types: Sets the Characters starting item types.
- Skill Types: Sets the character starting skill types.
Name | Explanation | Type |
Name | The name of the character. | String |
Name | Explanation | Type |
Portrait | The face or bust of the character. | Sprite or Model |
Sprite / Model | The sprite or model of the character on maps. | Sprite or Model |
Battle Sprite / Model | The sprite or model of the character in battle. | Sprite or Model |
Idle Animation | The character animation to play when not moving. | Character Animation |
Falling Animation | The character animation to play when falling. | Character Animation |
Name | Explanation | Type |
Collider | The settings for the dimensions of the character collider. Values are measured in tiles. | Collider? |
Note: The battler/sprite model import process sets the sprite dimensions, frame count and number of directions, as well as frame duration.
Note: Sprites dimensions are set per frame. You set the dimension of a single frame, which is then expanded when you add frame count and direction.
Note: The character idle and falling settings are linked to the Database - Character Animations window.
Note: The recommended collider setting for a character is capsule.
Note: Colliders are measured in tiles, starting from the center. So a box collider with a width 2, will occupy 0.5 a tile to the side of the sprite.