Database /
Characters are actors that can be in the party.
Note: Characters are ultimately templates and multiple copies of the same character could be added to the party.
Name | Explanation | Type |
Name | The name of the character. | String |
Name | Explanation | Type |
Portrait | The face or bust of the character. | Sprite or Model |
Sprite / Model | The sprite or model of the character on maps. | Sprite or Model |
Battle Sprite / Model | The sprite or model of the character in battle. | Sprite or Model |
Idle Animation | The character animation to play when not moving. | Character Animation |
Falling Animation | The character animation to play when falling. | Character Animation |
Name | Explanation | Type |
Collider | The settings for the dimensions of the character collider. Values are measured in tiles. | Collider? |
Equipment Slots
The Equipment Slots that are enabled on the character.
Item Types
The Item Types that are usable by the character.
Skill Types
The Skill Types that are allowed for the character.