Save Value Command

Saves the Value? of a Data Source? to a Variable or a Switch.


A source is something in the engine that lets you pull data from it. They generally exist in three categories:

Non-Contextual - Does not require a Unique ID.

E.g. Camera, Game, Party.

Contextual - Requires a Unique ID based on Context.

E.g. Equipment, Hero, Skill.

Database - Requires an Index Value?, and draws directly from the Database.

E.g. Database - Character.

Variable saves the Value? of a character string (text), to an integer (whole number) or a floating point (floating point number).

Switch checks for a true or false value.

E.g. An equipment slot / is occupied. If true = on if false = off.

Unique IDs can be saved from data sources like, Party, Battle Manager, or from commands like Save Entity Unique ID? or Save Context Unique ID?.

SourceThe source data to save to a variable.Data Source?
TargetThe variable to store the result in.Variable
Example 1: Set the target to variable and the source to party. Set the secondary source to Active Member - Unique ID. Set the value to 0.

This Saves the Unique ID of the Party Member in index slot 0 (first hero in the party) to a Local or global variable.

Example 2: Set the target to variable and the source to game. Set the secondary source FPS.

This saves the current FPS to a Local or Global Variable.

Save Value / Switch / Source: Skill / Targets Party". This one checks if the Selected Skill Targets the whole Party. If Yes the Switch is True, if not, False.