Status Effects


Status effects are effects (good or bad) that can occur to a character in or outside of battle.



NameThe name of the status effect.String
PriorityThe priority of the status effect.Number
End When Any Ongoing Effect EndsWhether or not to end the status effect if any of the ongoing effects ends.Toggle


Battler AnimationThe ongoing animation to play on the battler if enabled.Animation
Character AnimationThe ongoing animation to play on the character on maps if enabled.Animation
Use Animation On BattlerWhether or not to play an ongoing animation in battle.Toggle
Use Animation On CharacterWhether or not to play an ongoing animation on maps.Toggle


Clear Battle ActionsWhether or not to remove any scheduled battle actions.Toggle
Disable Battle ActionsWhether or not to disable scheduled or new battle actions from occurring.Toggle
Disable Battle Counter GrowthWhether or not to disable counter growth or turns from occurring.Toggle
Remove After BattleWhether or not the status effect ends after battle.Toggle
Remove Character From BattleWhether or not to remove a character from battle if the status effect occurs.Toggle
Remove Enemy From BattleWhether or not to remove an enemy from battle if the status effect occurs.Toggle


Battler PoseThe battle pose to leverage on the battler if enabled.Battle Pose
Character AnimationThe character animation to leverage on the character on maps if enabled.Character Animation
Portrait ExpressionThe portrait express to leverage if enabled.Portrait Expression
Use Custom Battle PoseWhether or not to leverage a custom battle pose in battle.Toggle
Use Custom Character AnimationWhether or not to leverage a custom character animation on maps.Toggle
Use Custom Portrait ExpressionWhether or not to leverage a custom portrait expression.Toggle

Mutually Exclusive Status Effects

Mutually exclusive status effects are other status effects that cannot occur at the same time.

When status effects are applied, they check for which has the highest Priority. If two status effects are mutually exclusive to each other (e.g. cannot be applied at the same time), the one with the highest priority wins out and the others will be removed. In this case, a death or knockout condition should have the highest priority and be mutually exclusive to all other status effects.

Note: Mutually exclusive status effects are only leveraged by the incoming status effect. In the above example, only the death or knockout status effect would need all other status effects to be mutually exclusive.

Enter Conditions

Ongoing Effects

Enter Effects

Exit Effects