Virtual Keys


Virtual keys acts as an intermediary between physical controls and controls registered in the game. Keyboard, mouse, and game controllers can all be mapped to a single "virtual key" and perform the same action.



NameThe name of the virtual key.String
IDThe ID of the virtual key.Number


CooldownThe duration before the virtual key is registered again in milliseconds.Number
Ignore Input BlocksWhether or not the virtual key ignores input blockers and works even if controls are considered frozen.Toggle
Require Key ReleaseWhether or not the virtual key requires a key release before registering again.Toggle


Pressed ScriptThe script to execute when the virtual key is pressed.Script
Ongoing ScriptThe script to execute when the virtual key is held.Script
Released ScriptThe script to execute when the virtual key is no longer pressed.Script


Mappings contain all of the physical controls and their sources. When a mapping is selected, it can be remapped by clicking the button under the Key and physically pressing the button or key you wish to map.

Mutually Exclusive Virtual Keys

Mutually exclusive virtual keys are other keys that cannot run at the same time as the current key. This prevents overlaps in behavior.