Battle Configuration


Battle configuration is used to setup how the battle engine functions.



Is Counter-BasedWhether or not the battlers act independently on a timer instead of turns.Toggle
Is Turn-BasedWhether or not the battlers act based on turns.Toggle
Occurs on Current MapWhether or not the battle takes place on the same place that the encounter was registered.Toggle
Occurs on External MapWhether or not the battle takes place on an external map from where the encounter was registered.Toggle
Occurs on User InterfaceWhether or not the battle takes place as a 2D projection like the user interface.Toggle
Retarget ActionsRetargets an action or sequence when the target is no longer available.Toggle

Action Result

ColorThe color of the action result.Color
Drop Shadow ColorThe color of the drop shadow of the action result.Color
Drop Shadow OffsetThe offset of the drop shadow of the action result.Number
EffectsThe effects to apply to the action result.Annotation Effect?
Font FamilyThe font family of the action result.Font Family
Font SizeThe font size of the action result.Number
Use Drop ShadowWhether or not to display a drop shadow on the action result.Toggle


Enemy Action SequenceThe default action sequence to use for enemies when they are removed from battle.Action Sequence
Enemy Removal Action SequenceThe default action sequence to use for enemies.Action Sequence
Hero Action SequenceThe default action sequence to use for heroes.Action Sequence
Hero Removal Action SequenceThe default action sequence to use for heroes when they are removed from battle.Action Sequence
Targeting AnimationThe default animation to use when selecting a target.Animation
Victory Action SequenceThe action sequence to use when victory occurs.Action Sequence


Battle MusicThe music to play during battle.Music
Defeat MusicThe music to play upon defeat in battle.Music
Encounter SoundThe sound effect to play when a battle begins.Sound Effect?
Return to Prior MusicWhether or not to resume the music from the scene prior to battle.Toggle
Return Music Fade-In (seconds)The duration to take when resuming music from the prior scene in seconds.Number
Victory MusicThe music to play upon victory in battle.Music

Battle Formulas

Cooldown FormulaThe default formula to use after a battler acts to calculate the delay before they can begin to act again.Formula
Failure MessageThe message that shows when an action fails.String
Warm-Up FormulaThe default formula to use before a battler acts to calculate the delay before the action begins.Formula
Statistic for CounterThe statistic that will mirrors the battler's internal counter or turn ranking in it.Statistics

Conditions and Scripts

Defeat ConditionsThe conditions to determine when defeat occurs.Battle Condition?
Defeat ScriptThe script to execute upon defeat.Script
Victory ConditionsThe conditions to determine when victory occurs.Battle Condition?
Victory ScriptThe script to execute upon victory.Script

Counter-Based Battle

Counter Increment FormulaThe formula to calculate how quickly a battler accumulates their counter.Formula
Counter Maximum FormulaThe formula to calculate how high a battler can accumulate their counter.Formula
Counter Target FormulaThe formula to calculate how soon a battler can act based on their counter.Formula
Pause During AnimationWhether or not to pause counter accumulation during animations.Switch or Value
Pause During InputWhether or not to pause counter accumulation during input.Switch or Value

Map-Based Battle

Camera Setup Duration (milliseconds)The duration of time to setup the camera at the start of a battle.Number
Show DoodadsWhether or not to render doodads in map based battles.Toggle
Show EntitiesWhether or not to render entities in map based battles.Toggle
Update Post-Battle PositionsWhether or not to set hero positions to the end results of the battle during a current map based battle.Toggle


Enter TransitionThe transition for entering the scene.Transition
Exit TransitionThe transition for exiting the scene.Transition

Turn-Based Battle

Order FormulaThe formula to calculate the order battlers follow for their turn.Formula
Order Reduction FormulaThe formula to calculate how much a battle has their order reduced upon acting.Formula
Use RoundsWhether or not all actions are entered in advance for available battler turns.Switch or Value

User Interface

Battler Command MenuThe menu to display when a battler is entering their action.User Interface
OverlayThe overlay that displays the current battle information.User Interface