Text Escape Codes

RPG Architect leverages several escape codes for formatting text in a similar way to HTML. They consist of formatters, control sequences, and replacements.


Formatters adjust how text is displayed. Formatters need to be closed with the same tag or they will continue for the remainder of the text. Additionally, these can be combined for additional effect.

Example: <b><u><fontsize[50]><fontcolor[#ff0000]>This is big, bold, underlined red text.</fontcolor></fontsize></u></b>
<Adds a <.None<< only one less than sign will appear.
bBolds a text sequence.None<b>This is bolded.</b>
iItalicizes a text sequence.None<i>This is italicized.</i>
sStrikethroughs a text sequence.None<s>This is struck-through.</s>
uUnderlines a text sequence.None<u>This is underlined.</u>
leftHorizontally aligns a text sequence to the left.None<left>This is aligned left.</left>
centerHorizontally aligns a text sequence to the center.None<center>This is aligned in the middle.</center>
rightHorizontally aligns a text sequence to the right.None<right>This is aligned left.</right>
fontsizeChanges the font size of a text sequence away from the default.Font Size (Number)<fontsize[50]>This is a 50pt font.</fontsize>
fontcolorChanges the font color of a text sequence away from the default.Font Color (Hexidecimal Markup or Comma-Separated Decimal in RGB or ARGB Format)<fontcolor[128,255,0,0]>This is partially-transparent red text.</fontcolor>
fontfamilyChanges the font family of a text sequence away from the default.Font Family (Number)<fontfamily[3]>This uses the fourth font family at '003' in the database.</fontfamily>
Changes the portrait expression of a portrait being displayed.Portrait Expression (Number)<pe[1]>This uses the second portrait expression at '001' in the database.</pe>
pitchAdjusts the pitch of the sound generated by the character.Value (Number)
Random Minimum (Number), Random Maximum (Number)
<pitch[-.4]>This text has pitch modulated down by .4.</pitch>
<pitch[-.1,.5]>This text has pitch modulated to a value between -.1 and .5.</pitch>
shakeShakes the text sequence in X and Y directions.Shake X (Number), Shake Y (Number)
Default: 2, 2
<shake[4,10]>This text is shaking horizontally by 4 pixels and vertically by 10 pixels.</shake>
soundChanges the character sound of the span.Name (String)
Name (String), Pan (Number), Pitch (Number), Volume (Number)
<sound[Sounds\Bit by Bit Sound\Chatter.ogg,1,0.4,1]>This text is shown on the screen with a sound effect from Chatter.ogg, with a pan of 1, a pitch of 0.4, and 100% volume.</sound>
waveWaves the text sequence along a sin wave.Wave Factor (Number), Wave Speed (Number)
Default: 1, 2
<wave[4, 2.5]>This text is oscillating along a wave, sped up by a factor of 2.5, with crests to +4 and -4.</wave>
Changes the delay between each character displaying.Duration in Milliseconds (Number)<cd[20]>It takes 20 milliseconds to display each character</cd><cd[100]> and this is much slower, taking 100 milliseconds per character.</cd>

Control Sequences

Control sequences adjust how text interaction occurs.

continueEmulates a Confirm press, causing the text to paginate, continue forward, or close.NoneThis waits for 500ms and then closes itself.<wait[500]><continue>
displayallIgnores the character delay and displays all text immediately between it.
Note: This requires a closing tag.
None<displayall>This text is ignoring the standard character delay and displaying this text immediately.</displayall> This text is now displayed at the normal delay.
pauseRequires a Confirm press.NoneDid <pause> you know <pause> you hit the confirm key twice?
waitWaits for a duration before display continues.Duration in Milliseconds (Number)This text will wait 1 second <wait[1000]> and now we're continuing!


Replacements replace the corresponding tags with values from the game.

Displays the value of a global variable.Index (Number)Global Variable #0 has the value: <globalvar[0]>.
Displays the value of a global switch.Index (Number)Global Switch #4 has the value: <gs[4]>.
Displays the value of a local variable.
Note: This will use the local context from where it was called or created.
Index (Number)Local Variable #0 has the value: <localvar[0]>.
Displays the value of a local switch.
Note: This will use the local context from where it was called or created.
Index (Number)Local Switch #4 has the value: <ls[4]>.
partyDisplays the name of an active party member.Index (Number)Did you know that the first party member's name is <party[0]>?
inactivepartyDisplays the name of an inactive party member.Index (Number)Did you know that the first member of your backup party roster is named <inactiveparty[0]>?
Displays the statistic of an active party member, based on party position and formula name.Index (Number) and Formula Name (String)Did you know that the first party member's HP is <partystat[0,hp]>?
Displays the statistic of an inactive party member, based on inactive party position and formula name.Index (Number) and Formula Name (String)Did you know that the first inactive party member's Strength is <inactivepartystatistic[0,str]>?
characterDisplays the name of a character from the database.Index (Number)The second character in your database has the name of <character[1]>.
enemyDisplays the name of an enemy from the database.Index (Number)The fourth enemy in your database has the name of <enemy[3]>.
fpsDisplays the current FPS that the engine is running at.NoneYou are currently rendering at <fps> FPS!
iconDisplays the visual of an icon from the database.Index (Number) and optionally Size in PixelsThe fifth icon in your database looks like <icon[4]>. Alt <icon[4,32]>
itemDisplays the name of an item from the database.Index (Number)The third item in your database has the name of <item[2]>.
equipmentDisplays the name of an equipment from the database.Index (Number)The fifth equipment in your database has the name of <equipment[4]>.
mapnameDisplays the name of the current map.NoneYou are currently at: <mapname>
newlineDisplays a new line.NoneThis is on the first line.<newline>And this is on the second!
playtimeDisplays the current playtime.Format String
Default: hh:mm:ss
You've been playing for <playtime>.
machinenameDisplays the name of the computer, if valid.NoneWelcome, <machinename>, nice to have you!
systemdateDisplays the current date from the device.Format String
Default: d
The current date is <systemdate>.
systemtimeDisplays the current time from the device.Format String
Default: t
The current date is <systemtime>.
stepsDisplays the number of steps the party has taken.NoneYou have walked <steps> in your playthrough.
encounterstepsDisplays the number of steps the party has taken that count towards encounters.None<encountersteps> have been made towards the next random encounter.
Displays the money held by the party.NoneYou have <$> gold!
mastermusicvolumeDisplays the current master music volume.Format String
Default: P
The current master volume is <mastermusicvolume>.
mastersfxvolumeDisplays the current master sound effect volume.Format String
Default: P
The current master volume is <mastersfxvolume>.
cameraxDisplays the X coordinate of the target of the camera.Format String
Default: 0.000
The camera is targeting <camerax>, <cameray>, <cameraz>.
camerayDisplays the Y coordinate of the target of the camera.Format String
Default: 0.000
The camera is targeting <camerax>, <cameray>, <cameraz>.
camerazDisplays the Z coordinate of the target of the camera.Format String
Default: 0.000
The camera is targeting <camerax>, <cameray>, <cameraz>.
camerarotxDisplays the X rotation of the camera (in degrees).Format String
Default: 0
The camera's rotation is <camerarotx>, <cameraroty>, <camerarotz>.
camerarotyDisplays the Y rotation of the camera (in degrees).Format String
Default: 0
The camera's rotation is <camerarotx>, <cameraroty>, <camerarotz>.
camerarotzDisplays the Z rotation of the camera (in degrees).Format String
Default: 0
The camera's rotation is <camerarotx>, <cameraroty>, <camerarotz>.
camerarotxradDisplays the X rotation of the camera (in radians).Format String
Default: 0.000
The camera's rotation is <camerarotxrad>, <camerarotyrad>, <camerarotzrad>.
camerarotyradDisplays the Y rotation of the camera (in radians).Format String
Default: 0.000
The camera's rotation is <camerarotxrad>, <camerarotyrad>, <camerarotzrad>.
camerarotzradDisplays the Z rotation of the camera (in radians).Format String
Default: 0.000
The camera's rotation is <camerarotxrad>, <camerarotyrad>, <camerarotzrad>.
partyxDisplays the X coordinate of the party.Format String
Default: 0.000
The party is currently at <partyx>, <partyy>, <partyz>.
partyyDisplays the Y coordinate of the party.Format String
Default: 0.000
The party is currently at <partyx>, <partyy>, <partyz>.
partyzDisplays the Z coordinate of the party.Format String
Default: 0.000
The party is currently at <partyx>, <partyy>, <partyz>.