

Items are consumable inventory items that can be used by a character or enemy in or outside of battle.



NameThe name of the item.String
Item TypeThe item type classification of the item.Item Type


IconThe icon associated with the item.Icon
Icon ModelThe icon sprite or model associated with the item.Model
Sound EffectThe sound effect played during non-battle uses of the item.Sound Effect?
DescriptionThe description of the item.String


AnimationThe animation to use with the item.Animation
Auto TargetWhether or not the item automatically selects a target.Toggle
Use Custom Targeting AnimationWhether or not to use a custom targeting animation.Toggle
Targeting AnimationThe custom targeting animation to use with the item.Animation
Use Custom Action SequenceWhether or not to use a custom action sequence.Toggle
Action SequenceThe custom action sequence to use with the item.Action Sequence
Warm-Up FormulaThe warm-up formula for the item.Formula
Cooldown FormulaThe cooldown formula for the item.Formula
Battle Log MessageThe message that shows in the battle log.String
Failure MessageThe message that shows when the skill fails.String


Use ScopeWho the item can target.Use Scope
UsesThe number of times the item can be used before being removed.Number
Success FormulaThe success formula to use the item.Formula
Minimum Random UsersThe minimum random uses of the item.Number
Maximum Random UsersThe maximum random uses of the item.Number
CostThe cost of the item in a shop.Number
WeightThe weight of the item.Number
Is Used in MenuWhether or not the item can be used in a menu.Toggle
Is Used in BattleWhether or not the item can be used in battle.Toggle
Is InstancedWhether or not the item is created as an unique instance incapable of being stacked.Toggle
Is RequiredWhether or not the item is required and incapable of being dropped or sold.Toggle

Global Script

Is Global ScriptWhether or not to execute a script during the item use.Toggle
ScriptThe script to execute when the item is used.Script


Is SkillWhether or not to the item invokes a skill usage.Toggle
SkillThe skill to execute when the item is used.Skill
Ignore Target EffectsWhether or not the skill ignores the target effects.Toggle
Ignore User EffectsWhether or not the skill ignores the user effects.Toggle