

Vehicles are actors that can be boarded and ridden.



NameThe name of the vehicle.String


Sprite / ModelThe sprite or model of the vehicle on maps.Sprite or Model
Idle Sprite / ModelThe sprite or model of the vehicle when not being ridden.Sprite or Model


ColliderThe settings for the dimensions of the character collider. Values are measured in tiles.Collider?
Ignore Entity CollisionWhether or not to ignore collision between other entities.Toggle
Ignores GravityWhether or not the vehicle ignores the effects of gravity.Toggle
Ignores ObstaclesWhether or not the vehicle ignores terrain obstacles.Toggle
Is ClippingWhether or not the vehicle operates independently of physics.Toggle
Is PushableWhether or not the vehicle can be pushed.Toggle
Prevent CollisionWhether or not the vehicle tries to avoid occupying the same tile as another entity.Toggle
Prevent FallingWhether or not the vehicle tries to avoid falling.Toggle
Register Ignored CollisionsWhether or not to register collisions even when ignored.Toggle
SpeedThe speed multiplier of the vehicle.Number

Map Configuration

Enter InteractionThe interaction to trigger entering the vehicle.Interaction?
Exit InteractionThe interaction to trigger exiting the vehicle.Interaction?
Entering ScriptThe script that is executed before entry.Script
Exiting ScriptThe script that is executed before exit.Script
Entered ScriptThe script that is executed after entry.Script
Exited ScriptThe script that is executed after exit.Script
Encounter FactorThe factor applied to encounter steps.Number
Use Caterpillar SystemWhether or not the vehicle is setup for each character in the party.Toggle
Is Character VisibleWhether or not the character is visible on the vehicle.Toggle
Character Riding AnimationThe animation to apply to the character when riding the vehicle.Character Animations


Use Custom MusicWhether or not to use custom music while riding the vehicle.Toggle
Custom MusicThe custom music while riding the vehicle.Music

Tile Tags

Tile tags allow for a vehicle to be restricted or have the additional capacity to pass different Tile Tags.

Restrict To will restrict the vehicle to running only on the tile tags selected.

Can Pass will allow for the vehicle to pass the tile tags included, in addition to anything else that is normally passable.


The scripting for vehicles allows for flexible control over how vehicles work in your game. The workflow for each is as follows:

When the interaction is met for entering:

  1. Entering Script
  2. Characters are removed from the map and placed inside or on vehicles
  3. Entered Script

When the interaction is met for exiting:

  1. Exiting Script (the entire operation is cancelled if Cancel Vehicle Exit is called in this script)
  2. Characters are removed from the vehicle and placed on the map
  3. Exited Script