Show Picture


Shows a picture over the current scene.


IDThe numeric ID of the picture.Variable or Value
Render On User InterfaceWhether or not the picture will render on/above the user interface.Toggle
Persist Between ScenesWhether or not the picture will persist between scene types.Switch or Value
ImageThe picture to display.Image
Color MaskThe color mask to apply to the picture.Color
XThe X coordinate of the picture in pixels.Variable or Value
YThe Y coordinate of the picture in pixels.Variable or Value
WidthThe overridden width of the picture in pixels.Variable or Value
HeightThe Y overridden height of the picture in pixels.Variable or Value
Hue ShiftThe hue shift to apply to the picture.Variable or Value
OpacityThe opacity of the picture.Variable or Value
RotationThe amount to rotate the picture around its center, in degrees.Variable or Value
Scale XThe scale of the picture on the X axis.Variable or Value
Scale YThe scale of the picture on the Y axis.Variable or Value