

Tilesets are collections of images that are used to draw and transform tiles on a map.

For more information on the format of each tileset, check out the Tileset Format guide.


NameThe name of the tileset.String
Animated TilesetsThe animated tileset slots.Animated Tileset Format
Terraforming TilesetsThe terraforming tileset slots.Terraforming Tileset Format
Structural TilesetsThe structural tileset slots.Structure Tileset Format
Normal TilesetsThe normal tileset slots.Flat Tileset Format

Each of the tileset types are limited to three slots, with exception to Normal Tilesets, which allows for an unlimited amount.

Upon selecting a tileset slot, the tileset editor is unlocked, allowing for setting the following:

Tileset Slot Properties

ImageThe image associated with the selected tileset slot.Tileset Format
CollisionsEnables the collision editor.Toggle
LayersEnables the layer editor.Toggle
TagsEnables the tile tag editor.Toggle
Show GridlinesWhether or not to show grid lines of the respective tileset type.Toggle
Unit HeightThe scalar to apply to a tile with height.
Note: This effectively multiplies the height of a tile to create "shorter" or "taller" heights.
Example: If a tile is specified to have a Height of 2, and the Unit Height is .25, the tile will render at a height of .5 (2 x .25).

Animated Tileset Slot Properties

FramesThe number of animation frames the tileset slot contains.Number
Duration (milliseconds)The duration of each frame in milliseconds.Number
Is TerraformingWhether or not the slot should terraform.Toggle
Show AnimationWhether or not to visualize the animation in the editor.Toggle

Structural Tileset Slot Properties

Wall HeightThe height of the wall component in tiles.Number
Use Diagonal Edges When TerraformingWhether or not to use diagonal edges on corners.Toggle

Editor Modes

Editors modes are primarily accessed via mouse by left, right, and middle mouse button.

Left ClickIncrements or sets the current value.
Right ClickDecrements the current value.
Middle ClickResets the current value to default.

Collision Mode

Collision mode allows a user to specify whether or not a tile can be passed. Tiles that cannot be passed are crossed out. This is primarily useful for 2D games that do not make use of 3D colliders.

Layers Mode

Layers mode allows for a user to specify the relative layer a tile should be placed on. An up arrow indicates that the tile will be drawn one layer above the current, if available. A down arrow indicates that the tile will be drawn one layer below the current, if available. This is primarily useful for 2D games where a tile may be used as a ceiling or a floor, rather than on the same layer the player is on.

Tags Mode

Tags mode allows for a user to specify the Tile Tag associated with the tile, to create additional effects.